Do you lead and does your work take up more (mental) space than you care to?

Is caring about your business and your staff at the expense of your own job satisfaction?

Are you struggling with the balance between managing your people and being a confidant?

Let us support you, so you can enjoy more of the things you also love to do.

24 - The SatisFactory Project

We keep your employees healthy and employable through:

The SatisFactory Project - Het oplaadpunt

The Charging Point

The online walk-in clinic to de-stress your employees in an approachable way
The SatisFactory Project - Burn on

Burn On

The blended product to make your high-functioning employees more proactive and self-reliant
The SatisFactory Project - The satisfactory

The SatisFactory

The product to bring depth to your leadership

Individual Counseling

Individual coaching: to really break through deep-rooted patterns

We help these organizations toward greater vitality:

How would it feel if for once you didn't have to carry the whole world?

You became an executive for a reason. You possess unique qualities that allow you to give direction to your organization or team. You understand what taking responsibility means and possess enough analytical ability to perpetuate the future. You possess vision, you can inspire. Under your leadership, the business would run itself so that you could enjoy more of your well-earned income.

But nothing could be further from the truth: you are mostly busy putting out fires. Your phone is red hot, the calendar and mailbox are packed, and the door is regularly knocked down. You know and feel that there never comes a time when your to-do list is finished; relaxation does not come naturally. You live from vacation to vacation, because in between you always have to be on (and honestly: often even during your vacation). And how unnatural does it feel to demand just after someone tells you what is currently going on in his/her life that someone does run their production?

You want to give everyone the best of yourself, but also feel that taking care of everyone is starting to take a toll on your own peace and (work) enjoyment.

Home - The SatisFactory Project

How nice would it be if ...

When the little voices “am I doing enough?” “haven’t I missed anything?” “if things go wrong it’s my fault” fall silent for once.

Share your concern

You know full well that your people function better when they are comfortable in their own skin. Did you know that there is even a direct relationship between chronically elevated stress levels and the deterioration of your higher cognitive functions (including planning, organizing, maintaining an overview, resolution skills, nuance, self-discipline)?

Allow yourself peace of mind and job satisfaction through a well-functioning organization. We support you in the well-being of your people and work culture so that they can use their skills to their best advantage. Through deployment of The SatisFactory project;

Get out of the “always-on” mode, get back to doing what you started leading for in the first place.

Why should you be with us?

Profound and spot on

our behavioral scientists really know how to challenge high-potentials.

Bottom-up approach

you get valuable input on what your employees really need. No more fruitless investments.

Intercultural and multilingual

we offer both trajectories in Dutch, English and Portuguese.

From A to Z

we offer both mentoring and organizational consulting. You will be completely unburdened and thoroughly advised.

We are The SatisFactory Project

A collective of university-trained behavioral scientists who all believe in promoting health rather than removing symptoms after the fact. Prevention is better than cure, for both the organization and your people.

In 2019, I, Iris Bergwerff-van der Giessen, set up TSFP because I felt a distance from the prevailing view of mental illness in every place I worked. I don’t believe that mental illness should always be labeled. I don’t believe a treatment is successful if the symptoms are gone.

I believe that each of us gets (psychological) symptoms when you do not live in line with your most important values. When you allow yourself to be guided primarily by an external compass (what (you think) others expect of you, what you have been taught that belongs), your energy can’t help but leak out drop by drop. To the point that your body becomes fatigued, the stress system cannot be inhibited and your brain shuts down.

Now if we can avoid that, we can fully utilize everyone’s qualities, skills and passion. Then we can again connect Instead of covering ourselves. Then we can learn from each other, rather than competing with each other. Then we can motivate each other to make it getting the best out of ourselves from passion, rather than from performance pressure.

Compare it to a tree: a tree with a good root system produces the most beautiful fruit because it can absorb nutrition optimally. It works the same way for your people: if they have a good root system (read: have their values clear), then they will deliver the finest performance.

We take care of the roots, you reap the benefits!


“TSFP’s approach is no-nonsense and pragmatic. I don’t like woolly stuff and could also come to new, life-changing insights without locking myself up in a monastery for 3 weeks. Annemiek and Iris are not only professionals who can help, but they themselves live by it. Dee openness and honesty were greatly appreciated, as this makes you feel at ease and safe.”
“For years we have worked together with high satisfaction (not from laziness; rarely have we been so satisfied with effect and contribution in a very pleasant cooperation). At The SatisFactory Project, it’s not “you ask, we turn,” but rather each question is looked at and matched very precisely to what is needed to achieve improvement. And all this from a very current and clear (scientific) well-founded vision and knowledge and a lot of experience in guiding highly educated and gifted professionals.Would highly recommend it to any other organization, with mostly highly trained professionals, that wants to make work of mental employee wellness and prevention of mental absenteeism!”